
Lettre de remerciement
Everyone, I think, have safely game back!
We (students who have attended the Kinshasa IBRO advanced school
on neglected tropical neurological diseases and scientific research methodology) fulfill a
pleasant duty to thank you, who are given you trouble to organize, support this meeting
or to share experiences in this interactive meeting. Thank you to one and to all of you. It
is a great pleasure and a great honor for one of us to have been among this international
Dear organizers, thank you for having received together, in an advanced
scientific framework, these young researchers from several African countries .This
experience of more than five days of IBRO Advanced School is the first one for IBRO
and reflects the great worry you have for good training of African researchers
I thank all those who supported this advanced school and elsewhere have
always supported research in Africa: INRB, Gabon Oregon Center, University of
Kinshasa, NIH Forgarty International Center, INH, Health and Science University, the
Minister of higher and university education in DRC and throughout all his Ministry for
their contributions in achieving this Kinshasa advanced school .This is sufficient proof of
the attention you have for the development of science and research in Africa and in the
world. To all of you, thank you!
Thank you to students and our faculties; you have agreed to suspend all
your activities for this meeting .
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Victor HUTU
Kinshasa IBRO school student (14th-26th sept 20015)