Various Criteria of Lung Cancer
Response Evaluation: Overview
Tasnime HAMDENI and Farhat FNAIECH
Université de Tunis, ENSIT, LR13ES03 SIME, 1008 Montfleury, Tunisia
Service de Radiologie
De L’Institut Salah Azaiez hospitalo-universitaire, Boulevard du 9-Avril 1938, 1006 Tunis, Tunisia
Frederick TSHIBASU
Cliniques Universitaires de Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo
Roomila NAECK, Moez BOUCHOUICHA and Jean-Marc GINOUX
Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Information et des Systèmes, Signal & Image, UMR CNRS 7296, Avenue George Pompidou, BP 56, 83162 La Valette du Var Cedex, France
Lung cancer is a widely spread disease that is really wreaking havoc these days. Therefore, clinicians should find efficient solutions to prevent the lung tumor from growing or traveling to other parts of the body. To do so, it’s important to use the imaging modalities in the interest of disease evolution assessment, as time goes by. This article is concerned with an overview of the major existing anatomic criteria used over the time for response evaluation in lung tumor. In addition, this paper summarizes the concepts of RECIST, revised RECIST, and the WHO guidelines. Added to that, an examination of the correlation between the various set of criteria is presented and the shortcomings and advantages of each one are highlighted. Further, the usefulness of these guidelines for the image processing community is also studied. We aim by this paper to help the oncology community develop the treatment procedure, forecast whether a treatment has enough merit to be used by larger numbers of patients and provide a more efficient care for the patient.
Keywords— RECIST; WHO criteria; RECIST 1.1; Lung Cancer; Advantages; Limitations; Image Processing.
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