Invitation a un congrès sur l’informatique médicale et télémédecine adressée au Professeur Justin Mboloko, Chef du Département de Gynéco-obstétrique. La faculté est en mouvement

Dear Dr. E. Mboloko

We noticed your article Tubal Infertility and Chlamydia Trachomatis in a Congolese Infertile Population understood that your research and findings can help you make a greater impact in your community leading to better collaboration, new ideas and potential innovations. In this context we want to extend a personal invitation to you to attend our upcoming event 5th International Conference on Medical Informatics and Telemedicine happening in Prague, Czech Republic from August 29-30, 2017.

World’s leading Medical Informaticians will be presenting on the Medical Informatics, Biomedical Informatics , Clinical Informatics, Neuro Informatics , Public Health Informatics , Medical Informatics and Biostatistics and will be available to discuss with you the latest issues and trends in Intersecting healthcare and technology to improve lives of Patients We look forward to working with you closely in this historic endeavor, and count on your continuing support and active participation.

When more than one million scientific articles are published each year you shouldn’t stop promoting your research with only publication. Presenting and networking personalizes your work, giving it a face and voice, and can create new opportunities for collaboration.

To facilitate preparations for the conference, and ensuring negotiations, we urgently request your positive response RSVP.

To explore and learn more about Medical Informatics 2017 visit our congress website Thank you in advance for considering working with us on this important effort. If you have any questions or willing to speak at our congress kindly write us.

Will remain hearing from you soon.

David Wilson.