Joseph-Médard Kabeya-Kabenkama ,Lydie Banza Ilunga , Michel Lelo Tshikwela, Jean Mukaya Tshibola, Rahma Tozin, Jean-Marie Mbuyi-Muamba.
Research in Health Science, Nov 2017, Vol 2, Nº4:335-349.
Background Osteoporosis and major Non-Communicable Diseases are identified by WHO as leading cause of death worldwide with heavy economic burden worldwide and particularly in low income countries. DXA is not availability in our country. Spine CT scanner with sagittal reformation images are known for the ease quotation of vertebral fractures by quantitative morphometric system described by Genant et al. The aim of our study was to determinate the rate and the feature of vertebral fractures in postmenopausal black women living in DRC referred for thoracolumbar screening and assessed with CT scanner using sagittal reconstruction.
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